About me

I am Luna and I truly Love Tarot! It has been my guide, my most truthful friend and my comfort since young.

Past life readings with Luna loves Tarot

Having been Clairsentient and Clairvoyant since childhood, I discovered the Tarot to be the most perfect vehicle in which to express these insights.

My journey with Tarot began as a young, media fashionista, when I discovered I was pregnant (to my now beautiful daughter). Faced with this exciting, scary and ultimately life-changing news, I needed comfort and guidance, and was drawn to the archetypal mother of all Tarot cards, Motherpeace Tarot.  I meditated with them daily and built a relationship with them, asking the relentless questions of an expectant mother. And they answered me, guided me and supported me through one of the greatest changes of my life. Since then, I’ve turned to my trusted Tarot cards for support and guidance whenever life demands it, and I now help others to do the same.

My approach to Tarot

I combine the ancient wisdom of the Tarot with my Psychic abilities to reveal the energies around a person, both past and present, and their potential future opportunities.  I simply reflect back to my client what their soul already knows, but may, as yet, not have come to light.

Always, my readings aim to empower, enable and support my client to take responsibility for their own life, and to always feel better for having spent time with me and this sacred art.

The Tarot can be seen in many ways.  It is sometimes viewed as our Higher Self or the Collective Unconsciousness, or God/Goddess speaking to us – the language doesn’t matter – what does matter is that it works. And, of course, it can be tremendously healing.

I am a trained and endorsed volunteer reader
for the Tarot Association of the British Isles.

I am a certified
Emotion Code Healing Practitioner.

Tarot Decks that I use

Cosmic Tarot
Dreaming Way Tarot
Forest of Enchantment Tarot
The Heart Tarot
The Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot 
Journey to Enlightenment Tarot
Motherpeace Tarot
The Palladium Tarot
Steampunk Tarot
The Tarot of Curious Creatures
Vision Quest Tarot
The Unfolding Path Tarot
Love Your Inner Goddess Oracle
Oracle of the Sun
Playing Card Oracle
Vintage Wisdom Oracle